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Comments on Why have I been blocked by cloudflare while posting and how can I circumvent it?


Why have I been blocked by cloudflare while posting and how can I circumvent it? Question


This is more a meta issue, but while posting an error report (with a screenshot and lengthy (but still not too long so the post could be send) error log) here, I was not able to successfully post the question (multiple times) but got a block by cloudflare each time instead.

Screenshot of the cloudflare block

Can we circumvent this block somehow? There is an ID (6c93dccf1e3a4e8c) of the event in this screenshot. I would like to be able to ask that question here.

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2 comment threads

Can't find anything in the logs (5 comments)
All posting blocked? (4 comments)
Can't find anything in the logs
ArtOfCode‭ wrote over 2 years ago

I can't find that ray ID in the logs, allowed or blocked. Do you have JS enabled?

Trilarion‭ wrote over 2 years ago

Is enabled and I have asked or answered from here before without problems.

ArtOfCode‭ wrote over 2 years ago

Really weird. I suspect it's because of the error log, which Cloudflare has mis-categorised before as an attempted attack. I thought we fixed that but maybe I need to have another look.

Trilarion‭ wrote over 2 years ago · edited over 2 years ago

Two more possible ray ids from just now: 6c97676ae9cc4e8b, 6c976ebeee64692b from two different locations.

Gist with the question content:

Maye it's the amount of SQL queries in the log.

Trilarion‭ wrote over 2 years ago · edited over 2 years ago

I posted as much of the question as possible (basically nothing with any SQL statement in it) at Even the very first line beginning with "(1.6ms) SET NAMES..." is enough to trigger the block (also here in the comments).