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Comments on How do I force db:seed to forget previous context and load only what is in the flags YAML file?


How do I force db:seed to forget previous context and load only what is in the flags YAML file? Question


In my dev environment I'm editing the flags in db/seeds/post_flag_types.yml. After editing I run rails db:seed, which adds my new flag. Fine so far.

However, I had a typo in the name, so I edited to fix it, ran rails db:seed again, and now I have two flags. Running seeds added flags it didn't already know about, but didn't detect the absence of a previously-defined flag and remove it.

I understand why that's desirable as a default; we wouldn't want to nuke flags that have actually been used without considering the effects on flag history. But in this case, I want to override -- I want to tell db:seed to forget what it knows and load these flags anew.

How do I do that? I found UPDATE_POSTS=true rails db:seed in a section about updating the seeded help and that doesn't sound like it would apply, but I tried it anyway. As expected, it didn't replace the flag seeds.

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This is the difference between refreshing the database and seeding the database.

db:seed does what it says on the tin - seeds the database. That means it adds pre-defined data to the database. It doesn't care about what's already there - to the extent that if you don't have appropriate constraints set up, it'll add the same data every time, regardless of if it already exists or not.

If you want a completely clear database with only a set of fresh seeds in it, drop the database first:

rails db:drop
rails db:create
rails db:schema:load
rails db:seed

If you just have one mistaken seed in there that needs removing, db:seed won't do that because that's not what it's meant for - you'll need to remove the erroneous entry manually, either via Rails console or via SQL.

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I was hoping to not have to recreate all my test users and posts again. Is there a less-destructive ... (4 comments)
I was hoping to not have to recreate all my test users and posts again. Is there a less-destructive ...
Monica Cellio‭ wrote 3 months ago

I was hoping to not have to recreate all my test users and posts again. Is there a less-destructive way than dropping the whole DB? Or a way to export or script creation of communities, users, etc? Thanks. (I was hoping there was a "replace" option to seed, or an analogous command -- guess not. Oh well.)

ArtOfCode‭ wrote 3 months ago

Not that I know of. If it's only a few records that you don't need any more, I'd just use the Rails console to delete those specifically.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote 3 months ago

Sounds good. How would I use the Rails console to delete flag reasons (the specific case that prompted this question)?

ArtOfCode‭ wrote 3 months ago

If you know the ID: FlagReason.find(id).destroy