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Is there a QPixel development roadmap somewhere or can we have one? Question


One user gave feedback that he/she would be interested in seeing some kind of roadmap for the development (of Codidact). One aspect of that would surely be a development roadmap of QPixel. I know that with volunteers everything is more uncertain and may happen faster, slower or not at all, but at least a plan of what areas are especially important and should get focus might be good for the developers as guideline as well as for the public to know what they might be able to expect.

I personally am happy with just going to Meta or Github issues and grab something and work on it, but I guess that the project leaders may have indeed a plan, at least in their mind. But is there also a written version existing?

If not, I propose to quarterly write a small paragraph about what should be the emphasis in the next three months and maybe even go back and summarize how the planned changes for the last quarter went. Basically a small summary of what happened and what should happen i the near future. Maybe as a Wiki post here or as blog posts on Meta. I think it might be helpful.

Related: found a change log. The roadmap would then maybe not need to refer to the past because that is done within the change log.

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Maybe make it a joint roadmap (1 comment)

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I provided the feedback linked in this question. I'd like to clarify, in no way would I want time estimates or similar. Just a list of features that have been discussed and agreed to be worth adding. And that's just to avoid repeating requests that have already been discussed.

Neovim's roadmap is a good example of what I mean

It's essentially the past releases combined with a "next" section of high level bullet points. For further details they link to two github issue lists: a backlog (accepted) and unplanned (discussed by not accepted) issues.

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This is a great idea, thank you! We've been kind of keeping it in piecemeal notes and in people's heads and stuff, and that is not a path of clarity and growth. I'm planning to work on putting together a draft. I'd like to get buy-in from the leads first (to make sure I'm not listing things that would be impossible or have prerequisites we need to list first and stuff like that), but the intent is for this to be an open, living document. No roadmap ever survives contact with traffic and construction delays; ours won't either. But we should start writing down more of our plans and their interconnections -- for transparency, for feedback, and so more people can help!

Update: We have posted an initial roadmap -- feedback welcome, and we now have a GitHub project for tracking.

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