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How can I add post types to a category? Question


I ran earlier into this in a slightly different way, now I redid the whole QPixel setup but the problem persists:

I added a first category to a development instance and wanted to create a first post but realized there are no post types available:

Trying to create a post without a post type

I then tried to define post types for that category in edit category/posting but it looked strange:

Strange dropdowns in category edit

The selection lists for post type and tag set have an empty line at the beginning. After some editing (including defining a new post type and allowing at least three post types in "Allowed post types") I can create a Post but only as one of the three allowed post types (an Article).

It may be related to problems with rails db:seed.

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Did you run the database seeds? (rails db:seed) That should have set up initial post types, help topics, and probably some other stuff. (Edit: but it didn't work for me either, so...)

If you want to define a new post type, go to the admin tools and choose "post types" (admin/post-types). There you should see a "create post type" button, which will let you define the properties of the type (such as whether it accepts answers, can be voted on, can be edited by anyone, can have reactions, etc).

I just went through this, setting up a dev instance that didn't properly seed (not sure why), so here's a dump of the settings I used for the Question post type:

transcribed below

see below

Name: Question

Description: (some text I copied from Collab)

Icon name: fas-fa-question

Answer type: Answer

Answers? Y
Votes? Y
Tags? Y
Parented? -
Category? Y
License? Y
Editable? Y
Freely editable? -
Closeable? Y
Top level? Y
Reactions? -
Restrict to specific reactions? Y

After you create the question post type, you have to add it to the category. You need to do this in two places, which is a little confusing. First, go to the category settings and click on "edit allowed post types":


Create entries for both Question and Answer:


After you do this, check that Question (only) is selected in "Listed Post Types" back in the category settings:


After I did that in both Q&A and Meta (which I had to create because of seeding problems), I was able to create posts.

(I didn't have the default meta tags -- a problem for another day.)

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