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Meta: Should Collab have Categories? Question


When creating a new post in the Q&A Category, I'm asked whether I want to create a question or a wiki article. Are these both stored in the Q&A Category for historical reasons, perhaps due to predating the concept of Categories, or is there another reason for having only one Category on Codidact Collab?

At present each question on the front page is labelled "Question", which is a lot of redundant information. It also means that wiki articles are only visible by a lot of scrolling, or by searching, and knowing how to search for specific post types. Would it be helpful to have a separate Wiki Category, so that everything in the Q&A Category is a question, and there is no more need to label each post redundantly as Question or Wiki?

Collab is also distinguished from all the other Codidact communities by not having a Meta Category (hence me posting this Meta question here in Q&A). Would Collab benefit from having a Meta Category? While Meta posts may be few now, while Collab is a small community, is it worth thinking about this now rather than have a bigger migration when the community has grown?

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The front page is less cluttered without "Question"

With Q&A containing both questions and wiki posts, every question is labelled "Question", like this:

Current Q&A layout, with every question labelled as "Question"

If Wiki were a separate Category then the questions in Q&A would not need the "Question" label, looking much less cluttered:

How Q&A would look without the "Question" labels

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