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Database migration between Codidact and SO for Teams Question


If I have my "own instance of the Codidact software (QPixel) locally, on a server" (cited from here), can I easily migrate the overall database (user accounts, Q&A, etc.) to a Stack Overflow for Teams site ("SE's hosted, proprietary service") and vice versa?


I'm trying to convince my boss to use a Q&A site for his company and I'd like to make him understand that Codidact is the best choice ;).

Since, if I understood correctly, Codidact does not currently offer this service (I mean: a private site) I am going to suggest that my boss use a local Codidact software on a server.

But, he will be afraid of what might happen if we realize (after using it for a long time) that a local Codidact is "not convenient" ultimately and we want to switch to a commercial solution like SO for Teams.

So I would like to be able to tell him: "don't worry, if a local Codidact doesn't suit us, we'll switch to SO in a minute!".

So the question is, can I tell my boss something like in the previous sentence? In other words, is it "easy" to migrate a users and Q&A database between these two platforms... What can be the lost during the transfer (reputation points, comments, chat, etc.)?

BTW, I don't know anything about databases, so I don't really understand what data must be "migrated" exactly (but this is maybe another question).

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I'm afraid this is not really a use case that was envisioned and that Codidact has no support for this. But actually the problem in doing this at all is that SO for teams (to my knowledge) does not offer any import functionality. We are no longer using it at the university where I work, so I can't double check, but I don't recall seeing such an option.

Note that the other way around, SO to Codidact is possible (we've done it a year ago). I wouldn't call it easy to do, and the process could be improved, but it is possible at least.

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Q&A export in Markdown format? (3 comments)
I was going to add an answer, but this pretty much says everything I would have said anyway. SO hasn'... (1 comment)

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