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#3: Post edited by user avatar zetyty‭ · 2023-08-06T20:59:29Z (12 months ago)
Add RVM to title
  • Warning about ruby version when moving to qpixel installation directory
  • Warning about ruby version when moving to qpixel installation directory with RVM
  • After ruby (version 3.1.2) install with rvm, when I move to the qpixel install directory (with `cd qpixel` command), the following warning is displayed in the terminal:
  • ```bash
  • Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.7,<4.
  • ```
  • But my local instance of QPixel seems to "work" without problem.
  • ## Questions
  • 1. Why I obtain this warning?
  • 2. What does it mean?
  • 3. Should I worry about for running my local instance of qpixel?
  • ## Setup
  • Ruby installed with: `rvm install 3.1.2`.
  • Output of `ruby -v` command on Debian 11 (on WSL2): `ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux]`
  • I obtain the above warning with several OS: Debian 11 (WSL2) and 12, Ubuntu 22.04.2 TLS , Fedora 38 and Arch Linux.
  • After ruby (version 3.1.2) install with RVM, when I move to the qpixel install directory (with `cd qpixel` command), the following warning is displayed in the terminal:
  • ```bash
  • Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.7,<4.
  • ```
  • But my local instance of QPixel seems to "work" without problem.
  • ## Questions
  • 1. Why I obtain this warning?
  • 2. What does it mean?
  • 3. Should I worry about for running my local instance of qpixel?
  • ## Setup
  • Ruby installed with: `rvm install 3.1.2`.
  • Output of `ruby -v` command on Debian 11 (on WSL2): `ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux]`
  • I obtain the above warning with several OS: Debian 11 (WSL2) and 12, Ubuntu 22.04.2 TLS , Fedora 38 and Arch Linux.
#2: Post edited by user avatar zetyty‭ · 2023-08-05T22:24:06Z (12 months ago)
  • Warning about ruby version when moving to qpixel directory
  • Warning about ruby version when moving to qpixel installation directory
#1: Initial revision by user avatar zetyty‭ · 2023-08-05T21:08:21Z (12 months ago)
Warning about ruby version when moving to qpixel directory
After ruby (version 3.1.2) install with rvm, when I move to the qpixel install directory (with `cd qpixel` command), the following warning is displayed in the terminal:

  Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.7,<4.

But my local instance of QPixel seems to "work" without problem.

## Questions

1. Why I obtain this warning?
2. What does it mean?
3. Should I worry about for running my local instance of qpixel?

## Setup

Ruby installed with: `rvm install 3.1.2`.

Output of `ruby -v` command on Debian 11 (on WSL2): `ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x86_64-linux]`

I obtain the above warning with several OS: Debian 11 (WSL2) and 12, Ubuntu 22.04.2 TLS , Fedora 38 and Arch Linux.