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Q&A How do I add a new route (URL)?

posted 7d ago by trichoplax‭  ·  edited 7d ago by trichoplax‭

#2: Post edited by user avatar trichoplax‭ · 2024-09-12T18:48:50Z (7 days ago)
  • You can add a new route in the file `config/routes.rb`, and the existing routes in that file for the other "tabs" on the user profile page show the template to follow.
  • The relevant part of the routes file starts on line 180:
  • ```ruby
  • scope 'users' do
  • ```
  • Everything inside this `scope` block effectively has `users` prepended to its URL. For example, line 186 has:
  • ```ruby
  • get '/me', to: 'users#me', as: :users_me
  • ```
  • This lists the URL as `/me` but is actually triggered by the URL `users/me` due to being inside the `users` scope block.
  • Similarly line 200 has:
  • ```ruby
  • get '/:id', to: 'users#show', as: :user
  • ```
  • This is triggered by the URL `users/:id` (such as `users/1234`).
  • The other tabs on the user profile page have URLs of the form `users/:id/something` and can be found in this block listed as just `/:id/something` (or `/me/somethng` for the ones not visible to the public other than the user).
  • ## What the components mean
  • ### GET
  • The `get` at the beginning of the line means that this is triggered by a GET request (often used for visiting the page rather than making a background server request).
  • ### URL
  • The URL reflect what link the user followed, subject to having the scope (in this case `users`) prepended.
  • ### To
  • The `to: 'users#show'` is interpreted in both of two ways:
  • 1. This URL results in a call to the `show` method of the `UsersController`.
  • 2. The view rendered is the file `show.html.erb` in the directory `users`.
  • ### As
  • The `as: :user` is an optional renaming of the helper functions that Rails automatically creates for each route.
  • By default, the methods `users_show_path` and `users_show_url` would be created (matching `users#show`). The `as` overrides this to have the methods be called `user_path` and `user_url` instead.
  • You can add a new route in the file `config/routes.rb`, and the existing routes in that file for the other "tabs" on the user profile page show the template to follow.
  • The relevant part of the routes file starts on line 180:
  • ```ruby
  • scope 'users' do
  • ```
  • Everything inside this `scope` block effectively has `users` prepended to its URL. For example, line 186 has:
  • ```ruby
  • get '/me', to: 'users#me', as: :users_me
  • ```
  • This lists the URL as `/me` but is actually triggered by the URL `users/me` due to being inside the `users` scope block.
  • Similarly line 200 has:
  • ```ruby
  • get '/:id', to: 'users#show', as: :user
  • ```
  • This is triggered by the URL `users/:id` (such as `users/1234`).
  • The other tabs on the user profile page have URLs of the form `users/:id/something` and can be found in this block listed as just `/:id/something` (or `/me/somethng` for the ones not visible to the public other than the user).
  • ## What the components mean
  • ### GET
  • The `get` at the beginning of the line means that this is triggered by a GET request (often used for visiting the page rather than making a background server request).
  • ### URL
  • The URL reflects what link the user followed, subject to having the scope (in this case `users`) prepended.
  • ### To
  • The `to: 'users#show'` is interpreted in both of two ways:
  • 1. This URL results in a call to the `show` method of the `UsersController`.
  • 2. The view rendered is the file `show.html.erb` in the directory `users`.
  • ### As
  • The `as: :user` is an optional renaming of the helper functions that Rails automatically creates for each route.
  • By default, the methods `users_show_path` and `users_show_url` would be created (matching `users#show`). The `as` overrides this to have the methods be called `user_path` and `user_url` instead.
#1: Initial revision by user avatar trichoplax‭ · 2024-09-12T18:46:56Z (7 days ago)
You can add a new route in the file `config/routes.rb`, and the existing routes in that file for the other "tabs" on the user profile page show the template to follow.

The relevant part of the routes file starts on line 180:

scope  'users' do

Everything inside this `scope` block effectively has `users` prepended to its URL. For example, line 186 has:

    get  '/me',  to: 'users#me',  as: :users_me

This lists the URL as `/me` but is actually triggered by the URL `users/me` due to being inside the `users` scope block.

Similarly line 200 has:

    get  '/:id',  to: 'users#show',  as: :user

This is triggered by the URL `users/:id` (such as `users/1234`).

The other tabs on the user profile page have URLs of the form `users/:id/something` and can be found in this block listed as just `/:id/something` (or `/me/somethng` for the ones not visible to the public other than the user).

## What the components mean
### GET
The `get` at the beginning of the line means that this is triggered by a GET request (often used for visiting the page rather than making a background server request).

### URL
The URL reflect what link the user followed, subject to having the scope (in this case `users`) prepended.

### To
The `to: 'users#show'` is interpreted in both of two ways:
1. This URL results in a call to the `show` method of the `UsersController`.
2. The view rendered is the file `show.html.erb` in the directory `users`.

### As
The `as: :user` is an optional renaming of the helper functions that Rails automatically creates for each route.

By default, the methods `users_show_path` and `users_show_url` would be created (matching `users#show`). The `as` overrides this to have the methods be called `user_path` and `user_url` instead.