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16 / 255
Database migration between Codidact and SO for Teams
If I have my "own instance of the Codidact software (QPixel) locally, on a server" (cited from [here](, can I easily migrate the overall database (user accounts, Q&A, etc.) to a Stack Overflow for Teams site ("SE's hosted, proprietary service") and vice versa?

## Context
I'm trying to convince my boss to use a Q&A site for his company and I'd like to make him understand that Codidact is the best choice ;).

Since, [if I understood correctly](, Codidact does not currently offer this service (I mean: a private site) I am going to suggest that my boss use a local Codidact software on a server.

But, he will be afraid of what might happen if we realize (after using it for a long time) that a local Codidact is "not convenient" ultimately and we want to switch to a commercial solution like SO for Teams.

So I would like to be able to tell him: "don't worry, if a local Codidact doesn't suit us, we'll switch to SO in a minute!".

So the question is, can I tell my boss something like in the previous sentence? **In other words, is it "easy" to migrate a users and Q&A database between these two platforms... What can be the lost during the transfer (reputation points, comments, chat, etc.)?**

*BTW, I don't know anything about databases, so I don't really understand what data must be "migrated" exactly (but this is maybe another question).*

Suggested 10 months ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭