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Comments on How to set up a new (development) instance of Codidact/QPixel


How to set up a new (development) instance of Codidact/QPixel Question


The QPixel repository on GitHub contains the source code for the Codidact software.

How can I set up a new development instance of it, so that I can work on it on my local machine?

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Overlap with Git README content (1 comment)

Installing QPixel on Fedora Linux using RVM without brew

If you happen to be installing in this situation, a few things might have different names. Here are some of the differences I had to allow for.

Disclaimer: I have no insight or familiarity with QPixel or any of the packages described below. These are just the variations that got me to a QPixel installation that was working well enough to display the Codidact homepage.

This may or may not be similar for Red Hat and CentOS installations.


An error occurred while installing rmagick (4.2.6), and Bundler cannot continue.

Instead of the recommended libmagickwand-dev, which is not available on Fedora, you can use ImageMagick-devel:

dnf install ImageMagick-devel

I couldn't find an official guide to this but I stumbled upon the alternative name for the package in a guide to Python bindings for ImageMagick. That guide refers to yum instead of dnf as it's aimed at Red Hat, but it installed for me on Fedora using dnf.


An error occurred while installing mysql2 (0.5.4), and Bundler cannot continue.

Instead of the recommended mysql-server, which is not available on Fedora, you can use the community maintained community-mysql-server:

dnf install community-mysql-server
systemctl enable mysqld
systemctl start mysqld

I found I also needed to install mysql-devel:

dnf install mysql-devel

The guide to installing MySQL on Fedora also includes instructions for installing Oracle's package instead of the community maintained one if you prefer.


libvips is not available under that name on Fedora, instead it is called vips:

dnf install vips


I discovered on the Redis Fedora page that redis-server is not available under that name on Fedora, instead it is called redis:

dnf install redis
systemctl enable redis
systemctl start redis

Integrating RVM with Gnome terminal

If you are using Gnome (the default desktop environment for Fedora), then the terminal is by default set up in a way that will give you the following error:

RVM is not a function

This is likely to be part of a larger error message depending on what you were trying to do. In particular, this prevents selecting a Ruby version using rvm use 3.3.0.

You can find guidance and explanation on RVM's dedicated gnome terminal page (the solution is simply ticking a checkbox in the terminal preferences).


This is not a security guide. Please use your own judgement on whether each command does or does not need to be entered with something like sudo or su. I am not qualified to tell you what is safe for your particular system.

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Works for me (1 comment)
Works for me
zetyty‭ wrote about 1 year ago

Works for me with Fedora 38!