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Activity for zetyty‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #289259 Post edited:
Add RVM to title
12 months ago
Edit Post #289259 Post edited:
12 months ago
Comment Post #289028 This post was initially written by @luap42 in [this answer](
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
Remove the credits settence (moved into comment threads)
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add list of failed install in some OS
12 months ago
Edit Post #289259 Initial revision 12 months ago
Question Warning about ruby version when moving to qpixel installation directory with RVM
After ruby (version 3.1.2) install with RVM, when I move to the qpixel install directory (with `cd qpixel` command), the following warning is displayed in the terminal: ```bash Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): >=2.7,<4. ``` But my local instance of QPixel seems ...
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add nested summary/details section for curl install
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add hyperlink to 3.1 from 3.2
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add redis start command lines
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
update database install
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add curl install for different OS
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
OS in alphabetic order
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
typo + change Arch Version in list
12 months ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
Add Arch Linux prerequisites
12 months ago
Edit Post #288996 Post edited:
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
remove sudo from service command lines for MySQL and MariaDB start on Debian-based systems
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #287707 Works for me with Fedora 38!
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
Update Fedora command line + improve Ruby install section + redis start before Rails.cache.clear
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289048 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Question What exactly is QPixel?
I always thought that the terms "Codidact" and "QPixel" refer to the same beast until I came across this post in the chat stating: > [..] Should we use qpixel (quicker launch, less dev work to do) ( 👍 ) or continue on the basis of building our own (more control over stack, longer time to launch) (...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add luap42 credit
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
remove the top quoted message + change title for hypperlinks
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
update link to §3.2
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
Add MySQL for Ubuntu + Add OS tested table at begining
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
version 3: OS specificities listed with subheaders and details/summary sections + full paraphrase of lup42 answer
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
Typo on top message
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
version 2: all info centrelized with tables for OS specificities
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Post edited:
add header message to avoid edit until the end of chat discussion regarding this post
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #289028 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Answer Codidact/QPixel Installation Guide
This post aims to provide a step-by-step tutorial regarding the installation/operation of Codidact/QPixel server locally (development mode) or on a network (in production mode). The "official" installation guide is available on GitHub. This post is freely editable so, feel free to update/improv...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288997 Post edited:
add "bash" after all ``` ticks code
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288997 Post edited:
change title + add footnote 3
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288997 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Answer A: How to set up a new (development) instance of Codidact/QPixel
Debian-based (including on WSL) Required time: less than 1 hour. This workflow was tested on : - Debian 12 (fresh install with debian-12.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso on Virtual Box 7.0.8 and Windows 11 22H2 host) - Debian 11 on WSL2 (Windows Subsystem Linux Version 2)[^1] (on Windows 11 22H2 host)....
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288996 Post edited:
add purge ruby solution
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288973 Post edited:
change Debian 12 install iso link
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288996 Post edited:
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288996 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Answer A: How to get QPixel bundle install working without sudo privileges on Debian?
Thanks to this answer and related comments I was able to install bundle without sudo privileges. The problems were: - On Debian 11 WSL: I installed bundler with `sudo apt install bundler` before to install Ruby with rvm. Then, it install a ruby version in `/var/lib`. It seems that this path, set ...
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #288978 I manage how to solve the problem thanks to your suggestions! On WSL2 Debian 11 I should not install bundler with `sudo apt install bundler` because it creates a kind of ruby install in `/var/lib`... In Debian 12, I should not do `sudo apt install rbenv` because also it creates a ruby installation di...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288973 Post edited:
add "sudo apt install rbenv" to the "Debian 12 VBox install" section
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #288978 Thanks for your suggestions! I can't install bundle without sudo (see EDIT 1.1). You can find the results of `gem env` on EDIT 1.2. I also tried in a desktop Debian on VBox (instead of WSL2) in order to see if it was not a WSL related issue. Same behavior (see EDIT 1.2 "## Debian 12 VBox"). ...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288973 Post edited:
EDIT 1.1 and 1.2 after follow-up answer
about 1 year ago
Comment Post #288973 I've edited the post in order to "by-pass" the problem since you have reported the bug. BTW, in the post preview during "editing", the bug is not present... On mobile also: no bug.
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288973 Post edited:
edit summary section code nlock to avoid "block extends past the right hand edge"
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288973 Initial revision about 1 year ago
Question How to get QPixel bundle install working without sudo privileges on Debian?
When I tried to install QPixel with `bundle install` I got the following message (on Debian 11): ``` /qpixel$ bundle install Bundler 2.3.15 is running, but your lockfile was generated with 2.4.13. Installing Bundler 2.4.13 and restarting using that version. Fetching gem metadata from https://ru...
about 1 year ago
Edit Post #288839 Post edited:
add file path
about 1 year ago